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新学年于8月开学,<a href=''>和记棋牌娱乐</a>的学生们在学校一年一度的学生组织博览会上建立了联系. The University's fall enrollment is a record 7,267 students, according to the institution's census count this week. (Photo by Todd Weddle/Northwest Missouri State University)

新学年于8月开学,和记棋牌娱乐的学生们在学校一年一度的学生组织博览会上建立了联系. The University's fall enrollment is a record 7,267 students, according to the institution's census count this week. (Photo by Todd Weddle/Northwest Missouri State University)

Sept. 18, 2020


和记棋牌娱乐今年秋季的总人数为7人,267 students, 这是该校115年历史上入学人数最多的一次, according to the University’s fall census count this week.

The enrollment number represents a 2.与一年前相比增加了3%,这是西北航空公司连续第三次裁员. It also is the fifth time Northwest has broken the 7,自2009年秋天首次突破这一关口以来,该指数已突破1000点大关.

此外,该大学保持了很高的保留率,有75人.去年7%的大一新生选择今年秋天回到和记棋牌娱乐. 这是该校历史上第二高的分数,仅次于和记棋牌娱乐创下的77分的纪录.97 percent retention rate in 2018.

The total headcount also includes 1,785 graduate students, which is a 28 percent increase from last year.

“It is all about our team,” Northwest President Dr. John Jasinski said. “Students, faculty, staff, alumni, partners, 社区成员和所有其他熊狸为和记棋牌娱乐的学习期望做出了贡献, connecting, caring, practicing civility and showing pride. 和记棋牌娱乐感谢西北航空公司的品牌大使,他们帮助和记棋牌娱乐传达使命和故事, 在和记棋牌娱乐继续为和记棋牌娱乐的社区和利益相关者服务的同时,和记棋牌娱乐对这一记录感到谦卑.”

Northwest President Dr. 8月8日,开学第一天,约翰·亚辛斯基在学生们走过校园时向他们打招呼. 19. (Photo by Todd Weddle/Northwest Missouri State University)

Northwest President Dr. 8月8日,开学第一天,约翰·亚辛斯基在学生们走过校园时向他们打招呼. 19. (Photo by Todd Weddle/Northwest Missouri State University)

Affordable education helps students succeed

Illustrating its quality, 和记棋牌娱乐的就业率表明,96%的学士学位获得者和99%的硕士学位获得者在毕业后的六个月内找到了工作或继续他们的教育, according to the most recent data. 求职网站Zippia将和记棋牌娱乐评为密苏里州最适合找工作的大学.

Additionally, 2019-2020年鲁弗洛·诺埃尔·莱维茨学生满意度调查结果显示,西北地区学生的满意度高于全国和地区同龄人. In fact, 82%的和记棋牌娱乐学生表示他们会重复在和记棋牌娱乐的经历, 相比之下,全国接受调查的学生中有75%的人这样认为.

和记棋牌娱乐高度重视以专业为基础的学习,帮助毕业生在职业生涯中有一个快速的开始. 学生们有机会通过在校园里几乎所有学习领域的经历来建立自己的心智, including the Horace Mann Laboratory SchoolNational Public Radio affiliate KXCV, the R.T. Wright Farm, Mozingo Outdoor Education Recreation Area or Knacktive是一家以学生为导向的整合数字营销传播机构.

Northwest’s attention to student success also is evident in 它与美国州立大学协会(AASCU)的合作. The Washington, D.C., 美国高等教育协会选择和记棋牌娱乐与AASCU合作,努力验证学生的成功策略.

In relation to value, Northwest includes textbooks and a laptop in its tuition costs这是全美最低的学费之一,在四年时间里为学生节省了大约7200美元. Northwest also offers 1,200 student employment positions, 让学生在赚钱的同时,通过国际基准课程培养专业技能. 

Ninety percent of first-time, full-time freshmen receive some form of financial aid, which includes the Northwest’s innovative Bearcat Advantage and American Dream Grant programs. The University also offers low-cost housing, 它还对研究生实施了一项修订后的费率结构,该费率结构基于市场需求和项目提供,而不是基于居住的传统模式.

Furthermore, 帮助学生在四年或更短的时间内毕业,并减少债务, 和记棋牌娱乐的“完成30学分”计划鼓励学生采取个性化的方法来实现他们的学术目标,并在一学年的课程中完成30个学分. To assist students with meeting that goal, 和记棋牌娱乐将获得学士学位所需的学分从124学分减少到120学分.

和记棋牌娱乐的教职员工的奉献精神是和记棋牌娱乐校园的支柱,也是和记棋牌娱乐继续看到创纪录入学人数的原因之一,” Jeremy Waldeier, Northwest’s executive director of student recruiting, said. “校园社区关注和记棋牌娱乐的学生和他们的成功, 和记棋牌娱乐真的想帮助和记棋牌娱乐的学生在和记棋牌娱乐充分利用他们的投资. 学生们继续看到参加和记棋牌娱乐的价值,并了解成为熊猫的好处.”

西北地区的学生们欣赏烟花,庆祝8月份新学年的开始. (Photo by Brandon Bland/Northwest Missouri State University)

西北地区的学生们欣赏烟花,庆祝8月份新学年的开始. (Photo by Brandon Bland/Northwest Missouri State University)

Other enrollment numbers

Northwest’s fall enrollment of first-time freshmen is 1,221, 这些学生中有42%是第一代大学生.

Additionally, Northwest reports 1,182 students, or 12 percent of the student population, 认同未被充分代表的群体或来自美国以外的国家. Northwest’s total domestic minority enrollment is 892 students, 占学生总数的12%,比去年秋天增加了4%.

学校在校生包括290名国际学生, who represent about 4 percent of Northwest’s student body. 他们来自39个国家,其中大多数学生来自印度, Nepal, Nigeria, Brazil and China.

While the University’s in-state student population is 4,858 students, representing a 4 percent increase from a year ago, 今年秋天,和记棋牌娱乐的学生来自44个州,该校继续从爱荷华州吸引大量学生, Nebraska and Kansas.

Away from Northwest’s main campus in Maryville, 参加在线课程的学生人数增加了34%,达到1人,856 students. At Northwest-Kansas City, where the University offers a range of coursework, 包括双学分课程和学位完成课程, 402 students are enrolled; Northwest expects that number to increase as additional high schools begin their school years with delayed starts due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

和记棋牌娱乐的学生在学术上仍然很强,ACT平均成绩为22分, which exceeds state and national averages, and an average high school grade-point average of 3.45.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215