A-Z Index

News Feature

Sept. 19, 2023

Jump Start program continues to provide underrepresented students with academic resources

By Kayla Holman, communication assistant

Northwest Missouri State University’s Jump Start program again provided a week of fun and informational resources to assist first-year students from historically underrepresented populations.

Northwest launched its Jump Start program in 2022, giving historically underrepresented students a chance to learn about the resources and services the Northwest campus offers to better prepare them for their first year of college.

Students participating in Jump Start moved onto campus a week earlier than most Northwest students and received personal, academic and social guidance. Jump Start students also participated in various team-building activities that included navigating the ropes challenge course at Mozingo Outdoor Education Recreation Area (MOERA) as well as bowling, movies and dinners.

Students participating in Jump Start navigated the ropes challenge course at MOERA prior to starting their fall coursework in August. (Photos by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Students participating in Jump Start navigated the ropes challenge course at MOERA prior to starting their fall coursework in August. (Photos by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Northwest's Jump Start program helps students from disadvantaged or underrepresented ethnic or social backgrounds build community with peers and learn ways to navigate the college experience.

Northwest's Jump Start program helps students from disadvantaged or underrepresented ethnic or social backgrounds build community with peers and learn ways to navigate the college experience.

“It was awesome to see the team building and the friendships that were being created throughout the process,” Latonya Davis, a Northwest coordinator of diversity and inclusion, said. “Because they feel involved now, they’re going to want to get more involved and become leaders on our campus.”

Ten students participated in the program this fall, while last year’s Jump Start students were their peer mentors.

Malcolm Anthony, a sophomore sports media major from Kansas City, Kansas, participated in the inaugural Jump Start program last year and was a peer mentor this fall. Eight out of nine of last year’s Jump Start participants returned to Northwest’s campus this fall – a retention rate of nearly 90 percent compared to 67 of all underrepresented students at Northwest who returned to the University for their second year.   

“I try to reach out and talk to them about whatever they are going through,” Anthony said.  “I want them to view me as someone they can come to.”

Ian Velazquez-Soto, a freshman geology and radio broadcasting major from Kansas City, Missouri, said he is thankful the Jump Start program provided peer mentors to guide him through his transition to Northwest.

“It’s helped me become more confident, knowing that I have some help,” Velazquez-Soto said.

Aubriana Ellis, a freshman criminology major from Dallas, Texas, said she enjoyed the opportunities she already has had through Jump Start.

“The activities, the resources, the different people coming to talk to you, knowing who you have on campus and knowing where to go – I would definitely recommend it,” Ellis said.

Applications for Jump Start open during the spring semester and are accessible at

“I know firsthand that the number one goal of our campus is student success, and Jump Start is extremely beneficial for our students to succeed,” Davis said.

For more information about the Jump Start program, contact Davis at 660.562.1584 or or Senior Coordinator of Diversity Dr. Jessie Peter at 660.562.1747 or


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215